A MARXIST BEAST

“THE FOUNDERS OF OUR COUNTRY” made it VERY CLEAR in our U.S. Constitution that the GOD GIVEN RIGHTS & FREEDOM of the  COMMON PEOPLE  were to be RESPECTED & PROTECTED! This was to KEEP YOU & ME from going under TYRANNICAL RULE of the SUPER RICH!  BECAUSE the FOUNDERS “THEMSELVES”  FLED  to AMERICA to escape the TYRANNICAL RULE of the BRITISH ROYALTY! ***NOW WE FACE A MUCH BIGGER THREAT*** AMONG THE MOST RICH & POWERFUL PEOPLE ON EARTH are GLOBALIST!  GLOBALISTS are MARXIST RADICALS!!! (the Far Left) (Communist/Socialist) (Like much of California & New York, etc)! TOP SUPER RICH GLOBALISTS have BUSINESS & IDEOLOGICAL ties with COMMUNIST CHINA! MARXISTS MURDERED MILLIONS to set up their TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENTS! You OKAY with that?!! GLOBALISTS hold ANNUAL FORUMS & SUMMITS to persuade others of wealth, power & influence to join their GLOBALIST AGENDA! THEY want a WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS & a GLOBAL” MARXIST RULING SYSTEM! It’s VERY OBVIOUS the DOMINANCE they have over the MAINSTREAM MEDIA, the ENTIRE DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP & their CONGRESS! ALSO over many  COMPROMISED Republicans reps.who do the bidding of RICH ESTABLISHMENT ELITES & often takes sides with the Far Left! ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED is LOOK at the ALARMING NUMBERS of MARXIST WOKE Politicians & Organizations that were FULLY SUPPORTED by the BIDEN/HARRIS administration  to AGGRESSIVELY PUSH MARXIST WOKE POLICIES & INDOCTRINATION into our SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, GOV. DEPTS. & every aspect of our SOCIETY! Those who spoke against it WERE HEAVILY CRITICIZED, SILENCED & CANCELED via FAR LEFT MARXIST MEDIA PLATFORMS! Practically EVERY POLICY & EXECUTIVE ORDER that was ENACTED under BIDEN/HARRIS WERE EITHER a FULL BLOWN MARXIST POLICY OR WERE a LEAD-IN to MARXISM! BIDEN/HARRIS appointed MARXIST RADICALS to run our GOV. DEPTS. (THE DEEP STATE)! They MALICIOUSLY WEAPONIZED the JUSTICE DEPT against TRUMP & MAGA REPUBLICANS!  BIDEN/HARRIS allowed !!!MILLIONS!!! of “UNIDENTIFIED” MIGRANTS to “FREELY” POUR into our COUNTRY as if our BORDERS DON’T EXIST! EVEN THE FBI MADE MENTION that an UNKNOWN NUMBER of those from COMMUNIST, TERRORIST & JIHADIST COUNTRIES, WHO HATE “OUR” COUNTRY have come through our WIDE OPEN BORDERS & which could be a very LARGE number!!! FYI: UNDER the BIDEN/HARRIS administration, NO ONE seems to KNOW what HAPPENED to  AROUND 135,000 MIGRANT CHILDREN! MANY are BELIEVED to have BEEN TAKEN by the CARTELS as PAYMENT for the PARENTS TRIP & are being SEX TRAFFICKED and sold into CHILD LABOR! HOW HUMANE IS THAT?!!! IT’S NOT SURPRISING that BIDEN has AWARDED the PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM to MULTI-BILLIONAIRE GEORGE SOROS! GEORGE SOROS is a WELL KNOWN TOP GLOBALIST who has been DONATING his $BILLIONS$ through the years to FAR LEFT CAUSES, MARXIST ORGANIZATIONS (such as Black Lives Matter) & their VIOLENT PROTESTS! Also to raise up POLITICIANS, JUDGES, ATTORNEYS, & LAWMAKERS to PUSH & ENFORCE MARXIST POLICIES in the USA! The AWARD CEREMONY was done to FOOL the people (who do not know any better) into believing that GEORGE SOROS is all about Democracy, Rights & Freedom! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! GEORGE SOROS is all about “DISMANTLING” DEMOCRACY, RIGHTS & FREEDOM in the USA! HE IS A MARXIST! MARXISM IS THE ENEMY OF FREEDOM!!! AND HE HAS FUNDED OBAMA, BILL& HILLARY CLINTON, JOE BIDEN, KAMALA HARRIS, & many other FAR LEFT DEMOCRATS & Establishment Republican Reps. through the years! HOW MUCH MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED?!!! FULLY EXPECT the  MAINSTREAM MARXIST MEDIA, DEMOCRAT LEADERS & ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICANS (the UNIPARTYto CONTINUE to HIDE the GLOBALIST AGENDA from the PUBLIC & MALICIOUSLY PUSH FABRICATED accusations & DECEPTIVE REPORTING 24/7! THEY want YOU to BELIEVE that THEY are ALL ABOUT RIGHTS, FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY… & THAT TRUMP & MAGA REPUBLICANS  ARE the VILLAINS & the THREAT! UNDERSTAND!!! FAR LEFT (GLOBALIST) BILLIONAIRES own /or control 90% of the MAINSTREAM  MEDIA! (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc) (Also many Social Media platforms, Hollywood, Disney, Shows like the View & Jimmy Kimmel )! They DECEPTIVELY STEER your thinking & MANIPULATE your emotions! TRUMP & MAGA REPUBLICANS STRONGLY OPPOSE MARXISM & are FIGHTING to SAVE your RIGHTS & FREEDOMS! That is why MAGA REPUBLICANS are being PERSECUTED so BADLY by the LEFT. The “REAL THREAT” to DEMOCRACY is MARXISM! MARXISM is DICTATOR-ISM! MARXISTS USE DEMOCRACY to get in POWER to TAKE AWAY DEMOCRACY! MARXISM is a POLITICAL SCHEME to FOOL THE PEOPLE into TRADING AWAY their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS & FREEDOMS for a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT set up by the SUPER RICH! MARXIST ELITES have been using their MASSIVE WEALTH, LIES & VERY DECEPTIVE STRATEGIES …to DROWN US in crime, hate, division & MASSIVE immigration …to CRUSH US with sky high inflation …TO PUSH US INTO MARXISM! IT IS EXTREMELY URGENT that ALL OF US who LOVE our FAITH, FAMILY, our RIGHTS, our FREEDOMS START “RIGHT NOW” to “KNOW” who you can “TRUST“, so when the TIME COMES, you are READY TO VOTE them into the CONGRESS & SENATE & into every official position in our cities & states & KICK these MARXIST LIERS & DECEIVERS OUT PERMANENTLY wherever they are!  IF NOT …YOU CAN KISS GOODBYE your voice & your vote! …your religious freedoms! …the freedom to lead your own life! …the RIGHT to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness! YOU WILL NOT BE A FREE PEOPLE!!!