Add Listing

Adding a Listing:

  • Add as many businesses as you like to our listings. You do not have to own the businesses to add the businesses. Businesses must be actively offering a Refer a Friend Bonus at the time of being listed.
  • You do not have to have made a purchase from a business to add the business, but you must have made a purchase from the business to add a review.
  • Business owners who claim any business you list, will become your direct referrals (and as a result, many of their customers will most likely become your indirect referrals).
  • Exception: If a business owner owns two or more businesses, then the business owner will become the direct referral of the DLT Friend who authored the listing that the business owner claimed “first”.


-Businesses must offer a Refer a Friend Bonus to be listed.

–Check to make sure the business you want to list is not already listed:

–See “Search Listings” in site menu (type the business name accurately).

–If it is already listed… just add your review (if you made a purchase) so that you can be chosen to receive Refer a Friend Bonuses.

–If the business is web based, simply move the location marker somewhere on the map so that the listing will submit.


Use the Add “Listing” form below:

-OR- You may use the –rich text editor- for your listing (font options, font size, colors, etc.).

–Here’s How: after logging in, click/tap the plus (+) sign at top of page… Click/tap “Listing”.