- Add a rating/review to our listed businesses where you made a purchase. You may also add businesses to our listings that offer Bonuses for Referring ( to add a rating/review to a business, you must have made a purchase from the business).
- You will then be set to receive Refer a Friend Bonuses when you are chosen by new customers via your rating/review.
- Each time you make a “Qualified Purchase” from one of our Listed Businesses you will “Qualify” to receive Rewards from your direct & indirect referrals to 7 Tiers down.
- You will also “Qualify” to receive “Bonus Cash” that is separate from your 7 Tier Rewards. You receive Bonus Cash even if you haven’t gathered “any” referrals.
**What is a “Qualified Purchase”:**
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…It is a purchase you make from one of our listed businesses that results in a Refer a Friend Bonus being rewarded to the Reviewer who referred you. You would then be a “Qualified” DLT Friend and be able to receive Rewards & Bonuses.
**What is 7 Tier Rewards:**
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…If you make a “Qualified Purchase”, you are “Qualified” to receive Cash Rewards from your direct and indirect referrals to 7 Tiers down... see example
**What is Bonus Cash:**
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…It is additional Bonuses you receive for making Purchases that is separate from your 7 Tier Rewards.
- A Purchaser will choose a Reviewer from the list of reviews for the business where the purchase will be made.
- The chosen Reviewer will be the one who refers the Purchaser to the business and will receive the Refer a Friend Bonus.
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-If you are the Purchaser, you must post a message to a Reviewer that you chose them to refer you.. view how/why
-If you are the Reviewer you must respond with a message to the Purchaser: “I accept”. Please respond as soon as possible. If you wait too long the Purchaser may be asking other Reviewers to refer them. The first one who responds will be chosen… view how/why
-To search for a particular review (such as “your” review or belonging to someone you know)… details
- After receiving the Refer a Friend Bonus the chosen reviewer will then Reward one of their 7 “upline” DLT Friends who is “Qualified” to receive it.
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-If you are the Reviewer you must split the Refer a Friend Bonus (50/50) with the **qualified** upline DLT Friend.
-You must notify the **qualified DLT Friend** via our DLT Friends Social that the Reward was sent… view how/why
Note from Gary D: My friends and family that I have referred in the past, always expected me to split the Refer a Friend Bonus with them because they made the purchase that brought me the Bonus… and I expected a split from them when “I” made the purchase. It’s just been the unwritten rule since the Refer a Friend thing started.
But look, make a purchase that results in a Refer a Friend Bonus… make a cheap one if that’s all you can do… and set yourself up to have many DLT Friends splitting their Refer a Friend Bonuses with you in the form of 7 Tier Rewards and Bonus Cash.
- This is done in appreciation to DLT Friends who make the purchases that brings the Refer a Friend Bonuses.
- After submitting a “Qualified for Rewards” post, the Purchaser is then **qualified** to begin receiving 7 Tier Rewards for 4 full months for each purchase (see how to submit a “Qualified for Rewards” post below under “Getting Started”).
Do not hesitate to reward our DLT Friends who make the purchases!
This is big motivation that keeps those Refer a Friend Bonuses coming!
A Few Things To Note:
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– On smaller devices, click/tap round icon (looks like a speedometer) at top left of page after being logged in… or on larger devices, click/tap on "Discover Local Treasure" that will be at top left of page.
–Click/tap “Dashboard”
–Then click/tap the dashboard menu icon (upper left of screen)
You will also see at top of each page or post a plus sign and an Edit Page link:
--.Click/tap the plus sign (+) for a shortcut to add:
--a post
--a business listing
You may use any Payment app that you like,,, as long as it works for you and the person you are sending to.
Instructions where to post your payment app choices for receiving rewards:
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--navigate to your dashboard menu items
--tap "Profile"
--scroll down to the "Biographical info" box.
--list your payment app options in the "Biographical info" box.
--This info shows up under all posts you submit but does not show in "DLT Friends Community".
--You may also post other info in this "Biographical info" box that you would like other DLT Friends to know about but the place where you should create your main profile is in the "DLT Friends Community" Profile Page (Go to DLT Friends Social (in site menu) > DLT Friends Community Directory).
–Discover Local Treasure does not sell your information. Discover Local Treasure implements measures to help keep your information safe.
–Since Refer a Friend Bonuses may come in the form of: savings, gift cards, in-store credits, discounts, discount vouchers, products, merchandise, extra services, other types of rewards (other than cash), all non-cash Refer a Friend Bonuses must be translated into a "cash value" for purpose of calculating cash rewards you will need to send to DLT Friends who are on the Rewards List.
You must ask at the business (from someone who knows, like the owner or manager), what is the "estimated retail cash value" of the Refer a Friend Bonus being offered.
If you are making a purchase and you can't seem to get a satisfactory answer concerning a retail estimate on the Refer a Friend Bonus, then contact staff and staff will investigate and get an estimate to you.
--You will not qualify to submit a "Qualified for Rewards" post for that purchase.
--Nor will you qualify for Bonus Cash and 7 Tier Rewards for making the purchase.
--But you "do" qualify to write a review for the business to be able to receive Refer a Friend Bonuses.
What You Need To Create For Yourself:
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Your "My DLT Genealogy" group for showing your 7 Upline DLT Friends and your Direct Referrals. (Required)
-First of all, go to the DLT Friends Directory (see site menu).
-Find your sponsors username and click/tap on it.
-Click/tap on "Groups" in top menu.
-Click/tap on "(sponsors username)-My DLT Genealogy".
-Copy the entire content of the description box titled, "My 7 Upline DLT Friends".
Now your going to create your own "My DLT Genealogy" group for your own Direct Referrals to join:
-Click/tap your social "Profile" icon (top right corner of screen).
-Click/tap "Groups" in menu.
-Click/tap on "Create a group".
-For the group title: "(your username)-My DLT Genealogy".
-In the description box: Paste the content you copied from your sponsors description box.
-Now delete the top username (or rotator tag) in the list.
-Add your sponsors username (or rotator tag) to the bottom of the list.
--You may configure all your other Groups any way you want, but in your DLT Genealogy Group you should not allow your group members to invite others to this Group. In the configure settings, click/tap "Only Organizers and Moderators" may invite others to join this Group. Also, make your Sponsers "DLT Genealogy Group" to be your parent group.
This group is for your Direct Referrals only. Your Direct Referrals are the ones you personally refer to this site. Your Direct Referrals can just navigate to your DLT Genealogy Group > click/tap "JOIN"> and they will automatically become a member of your Group.
"Qualified for Rewards" posts are the responsibility of DLT Friends to create for themselves. Any questions you may have can be answered in "Forums > Questions/Need Help"... or go to "Contact Us" (see site menu).
The instructions below are also in your "post content editor" to help you remember.
Must be logged in.
--Now click/tap the plus(+) sign at the top of page.
--Click/tap "Post"... tap "Add new"...
In the title box:
--Type in your username-Qualified for Rewards.
In the content box:
--Username of the Reviewer who referred you.
-Simply type at top of content box, "Reviewer who referred me: username of reviewer"
--We need to see a clear screenshot or picture of the purchase receipt added to content box:
-All purchase receipts must be web receipts from a payment app or in type and professionally printed or generated by the business or the company the business hired to do so. Purchase receipt must have business name, address, and phone number.
--In the "Tags" box, add your username as a tag.
--In the "Categories" box, choose "Bonus Cash" category.
--Do not change anything in the Post Expirator settings. They are already pre-set for your post.
--If you need to leave and come back to your post, click/tap "SAVE" at top of the Publish box. It will save to "Draft".
--When you're ready to have it published, change the "Edit Status" to "Pending Review".
--Your post must be reviewed and published by a Staff Member.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You will have 3 days from the date on your "purchase receipt" to finish adding the required content to your "Purchase Proof" post.
Please do not try to cheat. Site staff and other DLT Friends are constantly checking for cheating... and we would hate to see any of our DLT Friends have to go (or worse... be prosecuted for fraud).
-Click/tap the "plus sign" at the top of any page or post.
-Click/tap "Post".
-For your post title, simply type in: your username-Profile
-Tap the "Publish" button. That's it!
Your “Send A Reward” Post:
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-Your "Send a Reward" post is where you find the link to reward a **qualified** DLT Friend when you receive a Refer a Friend Bonus.
-After logging in, click/tap plus (+) sign at the top of any page.
-Click/tap "Post".
-For your post title: your username-Send a Reward
-Then go to the Publish box (do not publish) and click/tap "Save" and staff will be more than happy to finish it up. No other notifying necessary from you.
To view what a "Send a Reward" post looks like, you may go to the Search Box in the footer of any post or page and type in "Send a Reward".
The "Last Update" of every "Qualified for Rewards" post and every "Send a Reward" post will need to be approved by a Staff Member; not by the author of the post or by anyone else.
Under the title of every "Qualified for Rewards" post, you should see the date of the last update and the username of the member who updated the post. It should be the username of a Staff member. If not, then click/tap the "Report Issue" button on that post and report the issue.
Anyone can very easily check the list of the existing Staff Members (see in the sidebar of any post). If a username appears in the "Last Update" notice and it is not one of the existing staff usernames in the list, click/tap the "Report Issue" button on that post and report the issue.
Also, if the current date is past 3 months from the "Last Update" (made by a Staff member) of a "Qualified for Rewards" post, click/tap the "Report Issue" button on that post and report the issue.
If you see something that you know isn't right or that just doesn't look right about any listing, post content, any receipt that has been posted by any DLT Friend, if you find duplicate "Qualified for Rewards" posts, or if the "Send a Reward" link doesn't seem to be working... click/tap on the “Report Issue” button on the post, report it and staff will investigate.
It's easy for any DLT Friend to follow the reward trail... starting from the purchase on down. It's easy to see who rewarded who, if the right amount was sent and if the reward was even sent or not. Staff and other concerned DLT Friends do continuous checks. Strict penalties will be applied for cheating and non-compliance.
If you have questions, see Forums > Questions/Need Help. If you can't find the answer or solution you need, then see Contact Us (in site menu).
It is possible for you to receive Rewards further than 7 Tiers down depending on you being eligible to receive rewards and on how far down in any of your Direct Downlines between you and the sender is there anyone who is also eligible and would intercept the reward. This is called Bonus Cash.