–By registering to Discover Local Treasure(aka: DLT) you are agreeing to abide by all terms, conditions, disclaimers, instructions, rules, procedures as set forth below and throughout this website… Read More
Discover Local Treasure(aka: DLT) is especially designed to be a Local Small Business Review and Social site with an online Community(DLT Friends) who share with each other Refer a Friend Offers. They do this by adding businesses that offer Refer A Friend Bonuses to our directory.
–DLT Friends are required to make a **qualified purchase** (see “Earn Money” in site menu) from at least one(1) of our listed businesses at some point during each of their membership years. The membership of any DLT Friend who does not comply will be suspended including all of the site content of the non-compliant DLT Friend until the required purchase is made.
–Your personal info is not shared or sold by Discover Local Treasure (DLT). You have the option to hide your personal info in your DLT Friends Social profile or make it visible. An encoder has been activated on this site to protect your personal information.
–You are agreeing not to hold the owner(s) of DLT or any of its members liable for any losses or damages you may incur from your acceptance of services; products; business opportunities; any type of deals; exchanges or agreements which information has been simply posted in the Discover Local Treasure Listings or otherwise being simply referred to you through the DLT website unless owner(s) or members are found knowingly involved and knowingly colluding in an illegal and/or deceitful activity that caused your loss or damage.
–However the DLT staff will be doing continuous random investigations on businesses being posted in DLT and on those who become members of DLT to weed out any illegal, deceitful and abusive activity; and non-compliance.
–Even so, you understand and agree that you are participating in DLT at your own risk and have been cautioned by DLT to do some investigating yourself before you make a purchase, use a service, or make any agreements of any kind; business or otherwise or accept any deals that are referred to you or posted anywhere within the DLT website.
–DLT does not guarantee you success, referrals, bonuses, cash rewards, or rewards of any kind by you becoming a member of DLT and participating in the DLT rewards program.
–You are responsible for your own tax liabilities. You are not an employee of DLT.
–Concerning DLT and your continued participation in DLT you understand that for the purpose that members of DLT have better odds of success in DLT and for the continuation and growth of DLT; also for purpose of making improvements, there may be some modifications; changes made to the way DLT is designed or how it functions; is presented; or is stated.
–DLT reserves the right to refuse DLT membership to anyone for any reason.
–Regarding your participation in DLT and concerning the terms set forth above: Any illegal, deceitful, abusive activity; and non-compliance by any member may result in one or more of the following actions against them: warned; suspended; deleted; terminated; blocked; blacklisted; permanently banned; prosecuted (depending on severity).
All rights reserved 2023.
NOTE: When logging in, you can use either your email or your username.
If you are contacting us about any question/issue when using the form below and are already signed up, please type in your username… so we can find your account quickly.
If not signed up, type in your real name.
However, please “first” refer to “Forums > Questions/Need Help” to see if the answer you need is there already.
If you can’t find the answer or the help you need in our forum, you may submit your question/issue using the form below or call the number provided… “BUT” post your question/issue to the forum “first”, so that one of our knowledgeable staff or DLT Friends can post the solution to benefit others who experience the same issue… or “you” may do so yourself (once you get your answer).
We appreciate your cooperation. This is because we want more rewards going to you “our members” rather than to a large and expensive administration.
Your personal information is not sold by us and is protected by an encoder.
Call: 281-886-4428 to speak to a live person (call answering hours may vary at this time. Discover Local Treasure is just getting started.).