Post expires at 10:48am on Tuesday March 4th, 2025
-Tap on the link under the “Amount Category” that the amount you are sending fits with. If you see only a “Bonus Cash” link under that “Amount Category”, that means that none of your upline DLT Friends have qualified for that category. If that’s the case, then tap the “Bonus Cash” link.
This will navigate you to a “Purchase Proof” post where you can view the purchase proof info and send the reward.
-If you believe it to be acceptable, then send the reward through one of the listed Payment Apps. Should be at least one listed. If it just can’t work for you, then contact the DLT Friend to agree to using a payment app that works for both of you.
If you can’t agree then go back to the same Reward Me page and tap the link again to choose another DLT Friend.
$201 & above
Post expires at 4:32pm on Monday March 3rd, 2025