“THE FOUNDERS OF OUR COUNTRY” made it clear in our U.S. Constitution that the GOD GIVEN RIGHTS & FREEDOMS of the COMMON PEOPLE were to be RESPECTED & PROTECTED! THIS WAS TO KEEP YOU & ME from going under TYRANNICAL RULE of the SUPER RICH! BECAUSE the FOUNDERS “themselves” FLED to AMERICA to escape BRITISH TYRANNY! ***BUT NOW WE FACE A MUCH BIGGER THREAT*** Some of the MOST POWERFUL & INFLUENTIAL GLOBAL ELITES (GLOBALISTS) (the GLOBAL SOCIETY) have been AGGRESSIVELY PERSUADING people ACROSS THE WORLD who are in KEY POSITIONS of POWER, CONTROL, WEALTH & INFLUENCE to join what they call THE GREAT RESET! They want NO BORDERS and a GLOBAL “MARXIST” GOVERNING SYSTEM! IT’S NO COINCIDENCE BIDEN is allowing MILLIONS” OF MIGRANTS to “FREELY” POUR through our BORDERS!  GLOBALIST DEMOCRATS have SET THE STAGE for these MIGRANTS  to receive VOTER REGISTRATIONS, DECEIVING THEM into VOTING for the TYRANNY they thought they ran away from!  TOP GLOBALISTS are Klaus Schwab (author of communistic “Stakeholder Capitalism”); Bill Gates, George Soros, etc (HEAVILY FUNDS Marxist politicians, Marxist activism & indoctrination). Also John Kerry & Al Gore (top promoters of the Climate Crisis: a POWER-GRABBING GLOBALIST HOAX to USHER IN a TREATY to FORCE WORLD-WIDE FREEDOM-KILLING MANDATES to increase GLOBALIST wealth & control)! GLOBALISTS CONTROL 90% of EVERYTHING that comes through the MAINSTREAM MEDIA (TV, Radio, Internet, newspapers)! They use it to manipulate our emotions & DECEPTIVELY STEER OUR THINKING! GLOBALISTS are MARXISTS RADICALS! MARXISTS MURDERED MILLIONS to set up their TYRANNICAL REGIMES! You OKAY with that? AND THEIR MARXIST MAINSTREAM MEDIA wants you to believe that TRUMP & MAGA are the VILLAINS & THREAT to DEMOCRACY! TRUMP & MAGA “STRONGLY” OPPOSE MARXISM & are FIGHTING to SAVE your RIGHTS & FREEDOMS! MARXISTS are the “TRUE” VILLAINS & “REAL” THREAT to DEMOCRACY! IT’S PLAIN TO SEE that ALL” the MARXIST WOKE Politicians & Organizations (COMMUNISTS / SOCIALISTS) are being “FULLY SUPPORTED” by the DEMOCRATS in POWER!… BIDEN (or whoever else they may select) is their PUPPET who GRANTS their EVERY DEMAND & ENFORCES their MARXIST policies & indoctrination! UNDERSTAND! MARXISM IS AUTHORITARIANISM & DICTATORSHIP! GLOBALIST DEMOCRATS are using our DEMOCRACY to get in POWER to TAKE AWAY our DEMOCRACY! MARXISM is a POLITICAL SCHEME to FOOL THE PEOPLE into TRADING AWAY their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS & FREEDOMS for a TYRANNICAL REGIME set up by the SUPER RICH! ALARMING NUMBERS of Politicians & Organizations are AGGRESSIVELY PUSHING MARXIST WOKE POLICIES & INDOCTRINATION into our SCHOOLS & every aspect of our SOCIETY & are IDENTIFYING as DEMOCRATS! MANY COMPROMISED REPUBLICANS (the UNIPARTY) “GIVE IN” to their AGENDAS! BIDEN has appointed MARXIST RADICALS (the DEEP STATE) to run our GOV. DEPTS. who are MALICIOUSLY WEAPONIZING the JUSTICE DEPT. against TRUMP & MAGA! GLOBALISTS are using MASSIVE WEALTH, LIES & an arsenal of DECEPTIVE STRATEGIES …to MANIPULATE the political arena to DROWN us in crime, hate, division & mass immigration …to CRUSH us with skyrocketing inflation  …TO PUSH US INTO  MARXISM! IF WE ALLOW THESE DEMOCRATS ANOTHER TERM to be in POWER: You can KISS GOODBYE your voice & your vote! You can KISS GOODBYE your religious freedoms! You WILL LOSE the freedom to lead your own life! You WILL NOT enjoy the RIGHT to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness! You WILL NOT be a FREE PEOPLE!!!!!!